Openhartig: Wereldwijd/Openhearted: Worldwide [NL-ENG] Openhartig: Wereldwijd/Openhearted: Worldwide [NL-ENG]
Openhartig: Wereldwijd/Openhearted: Worldwide [NL-ENG] Openhartig: Wereldwijd/Openhearted: Worldwide [NL-ENG]
Openhartig: Wereldwijd/Openhearted: Worldwide [NL-ENG]
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We share the earth with many different people. But how well do we really know each other? Openly Worldwide, the latest game from publisher Open Up!, enlarges your view on cultures and with that...

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We share the earth with many different people. But how well do we really know each other? Openly Worldwide, the latest game from publisher Open Up!, enlarges your view on cultures and with that your view on each other.

This edition with more than 100 questions in 2 languages (Dutch and English), gives you and your fellow players new insights and perspectives, understanding, boundless frank conversations and above all lots of fun! It offers the opportunity to get to know and understand each other's cultural background and each other (even) better. In turn you draw a card with a question or an assignment like:
- How do you experience the country where you are now and where do you really feel at home?
- What do you think of the humour in the country where you are now?
- Is there freedom of speech in your country? How do you experience this?
- Where are your roots? And what do you still carry with you?
- What do you think of typical music from your culture? Let your fellow players hear something about it!

Play Openhearted Worldwide and be surprised and inspired by your different cultural backgrounds. Knowledge about each other's cultures will also help you to understand each other better.

This game is perfect as an introductory game for people with different nationalities or cultures, to take along on a trip or to get to know your foreign colleagues or fellow students (even) better. It is also surprisingly fun to play this game with people from your own culture. After all, everyone experiences a culture in their own way, depending on their background or personal experiences.

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Language dependent

Type of game

Card game

Number of players

2 players
3 players
4 players
5 players
6 players